It all started in 1986…
The Original Dickens Carolers was founded in 1986 by energetic musical theatre performers at Larimer Square. Inspired by their love of entertaining, they focused on interaction, music, and humor to create a professional performance that continues to charm Colorado and national audiences. With the continuous addition of new songs over the years, they strive to present fresh offerings while delivering the familiar and traditional favorites with consistent quality. Gov’nr, Sebastian, Pip and Felicity arrive in Victorian-era costumes with a 50+ song repertoire memorized in beautifully blended four-part harmony including children’s favorites, standards and traditional carols.
Fully memorized and recognizable by their highly animated and energetic performance style, this elite, unique group is comprised entirely of professional actors and singers. Individually, they perform regularly at all Denver area theaters including the Denver Center, the Arvada Center and the Parker Arts Center, as well as choirs and other professional singing groups.

Crowd pleasers such as the interactive – and surprisingly competitive – Twelve Days of Christmas, Jingle Bells, and 2-5-minute-long plays (Jabeez Dawes: The Boy Who Laughed at Santa Claus, A Visit From St. Nick, and A Christmas Carol: Abridged) showcase this group’s ability to present beautifully tender moments as well as interactive humor to a wide range of Christmas holiday events. In addition to dozens of community tree lightings and private and corporate parties, the Original Dickens Carolers can be seen across the Front Range, including Denver and the metropolitan area, Fort Collins, and Colorado Springs.